Trademark Renewal
Duration to Renew a Trademark
- Renewal within one year prior to the date of expiry: The trademark renewal can be filed any time within one year leading up to the expiration date of the trademark.
- Renewal within six months prior to the date of expiry: The trademark renewal can also be filed within the six-month period immediately preceding the expiration date.
- Renewal within six months after the date of expiry: In certain cases, the renewal can be filed within six months after the expiration date of the trademark.
Documents Required
- Incorporation Certificate: In case of a company or LLP.
- Partnership Deed: In case of a partnership firm.
- PAN Card of the authorized signatory.
- Aadhaar Card of the authorized signatory.
- Logo
- Power of Attorney (Form TM-48)(which shall be provided by us)
- Consequences of Neglecting Renewal
If the trademark is not renewed within the six-month period after the expiration date, it will be removed from the Register of Trademarks, resulting in the loss of its protection and rights.
- Restoration of a Trademark
In case a trademark has been removed from the Register due to non-renewal within the stipulated time, it is possible to restore the trademark by following the restoration process.
- Duration to restore a Trademark
After a trademark expires, it can be restored back after six months and one year from the expiration date.
Advantages of Restoration/Renewal
Legal Protection
It gives legal protection to your brand name/logo for a continued period of another 10 years.
Increases business opportunity
It allows the owner of the Trademark to continue and increase his business and marketing opportunity in the market with his established brand.
Maintain trust or Goodwill
The trust and the goodwill is maintained and increased when the brand is used and trademarked for a longer duration.