What is the process for submitting evidence under Rule 45 of the Trademark Rules, 2017?

What is the process for submitting evidence under Rule 45 of the Trademark Rules, 2017?

Rule 45 of the Trademark Rules, 2017, specifies that the opposing party must submit evidence to support its objection within two months of receiving a copy of the applicant’s counter-statement. Alternatively, the opponent may choose to rely solely on the facts stated in the Notice of Opposition and refrain from submitting any additional evidence. If the opponent decides to submit evidence, it must be in the form of an affidavit, filed with the Registrar. The opponent is required to provide copies of any evidence, including exhibits, to the applicant and inform both the Registrar and the applicant in writing about the submission.

Our legal experts will assist in navigating the evidence submission process. They will help identify relevant documents, prepare detailed affidavits, and ensure that all necessary evidence, including exhibits, is compiled and submitted within the required timeframe. Additionally, the evidence will be aligned with the grounds for opposition to support the case effectively.

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