Trademark classification for pharmaceuticals

Trademark classification for pharmaceuticals

The trademark classification for pharmaceuticals falls under Class 5. This class includes a wide range of products associated with health and medical care. Specifically, it covers:

  1.  Pharmaceuticals: This includes medicinal drugs used for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of diseases and medical conditions in humans and animals. It covers both prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs.
  2. Medical Preparations: These are substances or compounds formulated for therapeutic or prophylactic use, including vaccines, diagnostic reagents, and medicinal creams or ointments.
  3. Dietary Supplements: Products intended to supplement the diet, providing nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances that might be lacking or insufficient in a regular diet.
  4. Sanitary Preparations: Items used for hygiene purposes, such as disinfectants, antiseptics, and sterilizing preparations.
  5. Veterinary Preparations: Medicines and products specifically designed for animal health care, including veterinary drugs and treatments.
  6. Infant Formula and Baby Food: Nutritional products formulated for infants and young children to ensure their proper growth and development.
  7. Herbicides, Fungicides, and Pesticides: Substances used in agriculture and gardening to protect plants from pests, diseases, and weeds.

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